
Bad Effects and Disadvantages of Contact Lenses

Side Effects and Disadvantages of Wearing Contact Lenses and How to Prevent Them

Surely contact lenses have helped many people to improve, not only the view, but the security and confidence in themselves. However, excessive use, or directly misuse, can take its toll in the form of infectious ulcerative keratitis. Avoid it

Disadvantages of Contact Lenses
Disadvantages of Contact Lenses
Since the 80s, the use of contact lenses has become a very important risk factor for suffering an infectious ulcerative keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea that can have complicated consequences.

The increase in the number of contact lens users in young people highlights the social impact that these conditions can have.

Dr. Hernán Martínez Osorio, a specialist at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center, knows these risks well and EFEsalud has spoken with him to launch a message of prevention against the use and misuse of contact lenses.

The incidence of infectious keratitis ranges from 2 per 10,000 users of soft contact lenses (LCB) to 25 per 10,000 LCB users of silicone hydrogel for night use.

The risk of suffering an infectious keratitis is three times higher in LCB users of daily use compared to LC Rigid gas permeable: the risk is increased five times if they are used during the night.

The users of daily replacement LCB, explains this ophthalmologist, have a risk up to three times greater according to the rigidity and type of LCB; finally LCB users of silicone hydrogel have a risk between three and five times higher depending on their night use.

"If these infections are not diagnosed in time," warns this doctor, "the patient may end up with a cornea transplant or losing his sight."
Wearing Contact Lenses
Disadvantages of Contact Lenses

Other risk factors

But the use of contact lenses presents other important risk factors. For example, the hygiene of the case, the type and cleaning solution used and the habits of use such as bathing or swimming with contact lenses and hand washing; Smoking, low income and the acquisition of glasses on the Internet are also listed as elements that increase risk.
Dr. Martínez Osorio warns of a factor that has produced in Spain in the last year fungal keratitis; it refers to the white marks of certain cleaning solutions that are sold in optical stores and supermarkets. "The white marks do not have the same quality control and antiseptics enough to kill the fungi that can grow in the cases," he says.
It also sends a warning message about the infections of a very dangerous parasite, the acanthamoeba, which can produce very severe and aggressive infections, difficult to eradicate, much worse than the effects of a fungus or bacteria.

Precautions and cautions

Dr. Martinez Osorio does not hesitate to advise that the first precaution is to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers. "The lenses are made to be used as prescribed, weekly, biweekly, monthly, yearly ... but with proper cleaning and precise hygiene recommendations, such as always washing your hands," he recalls.

He also points out that with lenses you should never bathe in the pool or in the sea, and never wash them with tap water.
Disadvantages of Contact Lenses

Wearing Contact Lenses

And how many hours can you carry in your eyes? Do not doubt in the answer: The least possible. "That nobody gets used to 16 hours a day, the fewer hours the better; and if there is intolerance restrict or cancel its use. The less you use more years you can enjoy them, "he says.

Another clear recommendation: do not sleep with them. And also avoid colored lenses, which were fashionable, but now much less.

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