
Bad food for the eyes


Eating is a daily habit in humans, they use and abuse food of any kind to survive on a daily basis. Hungry or not, the man can indulge in food whenever the need arises. The most delicious flavors and tastes of food are the pleasure of men who go out of their way to discover the mystery of food. However, many abuse foods without knowing the risks to their health. There are, for example, foods that with unregulated use or consumption can be dangerous for your eyesight and even worse cause permanent loss of sight. Here is a list of 5 categories of foods that can be dangerous to your eyes or worse still cause a permanent loss of sight.

Alcoholic drinks

Effect of Alcohol on the Eye
It's not too much to remember that alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. This is a fact, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can affect certain organs like the liver or the heart, but can have negative effects for the health of your eyes in the short or medium term. In the short term, there is a distorted or double vision and in the long term a cataract and a loss of sight.

Red meat

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find red meat in most dishes. And yet regular and abusive consumption can be harmful to your health. It is advisable not to exceed a maximum of 500 g of red meat a week. If cardiovascular disease is the greatest risk, eye assignments can also occur.
Effect of red meat on Eyes


Sugar is a hidden enemy of your eyes. Indeed, a disease such as diabetes due to excessive consumption of sugar can cause very serious eye disorders to even lesions of the eye cells. It is therefore important to regulate your consumption of sugar or if you cannot do without it to replace it in your recipes with maple syrup, agave or other low GI sweetener but especially not with chemical sweeteners.

White flour

White flour contains alloxane, a contaminant that can cause diabetes. Alloxane is used to make the bread soft and fresh, it contains far too much sugar. To the taste, bread made from white flour is not certainly sweet, but it contains nearly 85% of carbohydrates. Which is enough to give you eye troubles especially when you abuse it regularly.


Pastries and cakes are often known for their strong sweets. When you consume it, you may not pay too much attention to it. Often after increased consumption, you may experience pain in the eyes and often they may associate with burning sensations. With high sugar levels, eye level assignments are normal and if you overuse them, this can cause more serious problems.

Steroids and corticosteroids

It is true that medications are prescribed by doctors to cure certain diseases, but some of them unfortunately participate in the destruction of the eyes. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that are prized around the world. When taken by injection in the eyes or in the form of eye drops, they are harmful to the eyes. In addition, their prolonged use is just as harmful, whether orally or any other. The harm of these substances is that they act without revealing symptoms. Once the damage is done, these products cause glaucoma or eye strain. In addition, in the sports world, almost everyone takes it.

The first 5 categories are unfortunately the food of the French par excellence. Some have already started the pace of healthier food but for a large majority of the population they make consumption too high, in addition to the intensive use of screens, which results in problems of view of more and more young. We who work in this environment sometimes see people with early AMD at the age of 40! Which was unthinkable a few years ago. Because AMD, as the name suggests, is a degeneration related to age and 40 years old is not old when you know that the current life expectancy is around 80 years ...

Imagine if you still have half of your life living very badly and even if you do not see the end, imagine the pain that it represents ... I know it's not easy to control yourself by compared to food but if you really imagine what I just told you then you will make the effort.
Start by gradually modifying your habits by eating less of these bad things, until you almost no longer

Take care of yourself and your sight!

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