

How Many Types of Eye Contact Lenses are There?

If you have never used contact lenses, you are probably not familiar with aspects such as materials or available modalities.
Types of Contact Lenses

Soft eye contact lenses

How are they?
Its texture is pleasant, comfortable, easy to adapt and hardly move in the eye. Advances in materials have led to the development of a new generation of soft lenses, called silicone hydrogel, that allow greater oxygenation of the cornea, ensuring the health of the ocular surface. 

What types are there? 

Disposable daily replacement:

  • Single-use.
  • Presented in individual containers.
  • Allow a new pair to be released every morning and discarded at the end of the day. 


  • They allow the same pair of lenses to be used every day for a certain number of weeks, usually one month.
  • They are cheaper than disposable daily replacement.
  •  Require the use of maintenance solutions.
  •  Replacement periods must be respected to avoid the formation of protein deposits in the lens and other complications. 
Types of Contact Lenses

Prolonged use:

  • Designed to be worn continuously, both during the day and at night, for a certain number of weeks, depending on the manufacturer.
  • It is not necessary to remove the lenses to sleep, although it is not always recommended to wear them every night.
  • Continuous use can influence the accumulation of microorganisms in lenses and increase the risk of infections and other problems. 

For whom?
This type of lens is perfect for athletes and for all those with very active lifestyles. 

Rigid gas-permeable eye contact lenses

How are they?

They are smaller and more consistent than soft ones. They are durable and their maintenance is very simple. If the prescription does not change, you can use the same lenses for a period that usually ranges between six months and two years, which makes them very attractive from the point of view of cost.

At first, they may seem a little less comfortable than soft ones, so it takes a while to adapt. They also have a greater tendency to move from the center of the eye.

For whom?

They are the lenses of choice to correct certain visual problems, such as refractive errors that require high cylindrical or spherical powers, in a more precise way than soft lenses

Specialized Eye contact lenses

Hybrid lenses

How are they?

Types of Contact Lenses
Hybrid contact lenses consist of a central zone made of a gas-permeable material surrounded by a softer outer ring.

For whom?
Hybrid lenses are often used in cases where the curvature has an irregular shape, such as keratoconus, or if the user has problems with gas-permeable lenses.

Bifocal and multi-focal contact lenses

How are they?
As with progressive glasses, bifocal lenses include two prescriptions on the same lens: one for far vision and one for near vision, while multifocal lenses have a power spectrum on each lens that allows you to see well at all distances. Both modalities are available in soft and gas permeable materials.

For whom?
They are indicated in people with presbyopia, who require good vision from far and near.

Monovision eye contact lenses

How are they?
In this case, each lens has a different prescription: one for reading and another for far vision. There is also the option of using a bifocal or multifocal lens in one eye and a monofocal lens in the other.

For whom?
Although this option is increasingly in disuse, its indication is for people with presbyopia.

The alarming dangers of the use of false eyelashes

Some Important Point About the Use of False Eyelashes 

Great concern has been generated by the increase in infections caused by the use of false eyelashes. As stated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the damage is associated with unregulated treatments, which cause inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and even damage to the cornea.
use of false eyelashes
use of false eyelashes

It is estimated that, worldwide, 1 of 4 women experiences some type of irritation due to the frequent use of false eyelashes. Generally, the pictures presented are conjunctivitis, red eyes and eye irritation in general. Other more complex cases include scratches or holes in the cornea resulting from the tips of the false eyelashes.

Eye with blepharitis

One of the most alarming elements is the glue used to place the eyelashes, which may contain formaldehyde, a chemical known to cause severe allergic reactions, blepharitis and corneal damage. To the effect of this compound, the dirt and bacteria accumulated by the eyelashes with the passage of time are added.

The vicious circle of false eyelashes

The biggest danger, according to experts, is the constant use of false eyelashes. The weight of this beauty accessory causes a weakening of the hair follicles causing it to fall and not grow back. In this way, the use of false eyelashes is increased to compensate for the lack of natural eyelashes, increasing the risk of infections and damage to the cornea, which can lead to loss of vision.

Also, it should be considered that in addition to the use of false eyelashes there are risks associated with the use of excessive makeup in the eye area. The misuse of makeup can produce a series of harmful effects, such as damage to the cornea of the eyeball with the tip of the pencil eyeliner or mask applicator, allergic reactions to some components present in the products, or infections caused by the use of expired makeup.

 Eye with makeup residue

It is essential that any inflammation, redness or discomfort in the area of the eyes, immediately go to your ophthalmologist Eye Clinic . Mishandling infections resulting from the use of false eyelashes can result in permanent damage to the vision.

Eye Makeup Tips for Healthy Eyes | Tips to Avoid Common Eye Infections

How to avoid infections by using makeup on the eyes

avoid eye infections by using makeup
Tips to Avoid Common Eye Infections

The eye is a highly delicate structure that is constantly exposed to environmental conditions, so maintaining a good transparency of this organ is crucial to have a correct vision.

Depending on the style of each person, the eyes receive various external aggressions, such as those produced by the use of air conditioning and heating, the light coming from the use of screens, contact lenses misused and, more frequently, by the use of makeup around of the eyes.

The misuse of periocular makeup can produce a series of harmful effects, such as damage to the cornea of the eyeball with the tip of the pencil eyeliner or the mask applicator, allergic reactions to some components present in the products, or infections caused by the Use of expired makeup.

It is essential that, if we are going to use products to make up the area around the eyes, we take the pertinent concerns so that our health is not affected:

Discard eye makeup after three or four months. 

Bacteria caused by infection grow rapidly in a creamy or liquid makeup. In case you have already developed or are suffering from an eye infection, immediately get rid of the makeup used in that area.

Never share eye makeup.

 If you are going to apply sample makeup available in stores, use brushes and clean tools, which nobody has previously used, and makeup samples that have not been contaminated by other users. Due to the difficulty of being totally sure of the above, it is recommended to avoid the practice of applying makeup samples.

History of skin allergies

If you have a history of skin allergies, introduce only one make-up or care product at a time. If you do not observe an adverse reaction, add another new product, and so on. If you notice an allergic reaction, find out the ingredients of the product and consult a doctor. It is recommended to avoid products that contain harmful chemicals or that have not gone through a test.

Before applying makeup

Before applying makeup, make sure that your face and eyelids are perfectly clean. Always apply makeup outside the lash line and away from the eyes, thus helping to prevent a blockage of the sebaceous glands of the upper or lower eyelid. To avoid dangers it is recommended not to put on makeup while in a moving vehicle.
avoid eye infections by using makeup
avoid eye infections by using makeup

Do not separate the masking agglomerations that form on the lashes with sharp objects. 

 dry eyes and Powder Makeup

If you are a person who has dry eyes, avoid metallic or powder makeup. The flakes present in this type of makeup can enter the tear film and increase irritation in the eyes. Also, the use of bright eye makeup can irritate or infect the cornea, especially in people who wear contact lenses.

Remove makeup from your eyes before sleeping

Remove all makeup from your eyes at night before sleeping. It is advisable to use cotton petals to remove makeup from the base of the eyelashes. If you use any cleansing lotion or tonic, avoid contact with the eyes and rinse the area with abundant water.

What do your eyes say about your health?

What do your eyes tell you about your health?

What do your eyes say about your health
Eyes Reflection About Health

Health can be reflected in the eyes. Because sometimes the eye problems are symptoms of others in our body or they indicate bad habits that must be corrected. Do you know what manifestations in our eyes warn us that we have to review something in our body or lifestyle? What signals do you have to take into account and how to act in each case?


"The most frequent causes of this problem are the obstruction of the lacrimal ways in any part of its route or a dry eye syndrome that triggers a tearing reflex," explains Dr. Ángel Saiz, ophthalmologist and member of TopDoctors.es. In the first case, it reveals eye problems, but the dry eye can indicate hormonal alterations, such as a drop in estrogen (menopause), a side effect of some drugs such as antihistamines, the excessive use of contact lenses, the influence of environmental factors ( pollution, heating, air conditioning ...) or even diseases such as diabetes mellitus or Parkinson's.
How to act: "Using artificial tears many times alleviates the problem of dry eye," says the expert. Even so, check with your doctor to rule out pathologies. Regarding the obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, a new drainage route is usually created, either by surgery or by diode laser (the intervention is then performed on an outpatient basis).


"It's almost always indicative of an allergic condition," says Dr. Saiz. But it can also indicate an overexertion (a long exposure to the computer screen during the workday) or, for example, a direct contact with harmful agents such as pool chlorine.
How to act: "Above all, do not rub your eyes. If we are allergic, avoid dust, change clothes and shower when you get home to eliminate the rest of pollen helps. An ophthalmologist is the one who should prescribe the appropriate treatment, but artificial tears and cold compresses relieve. "


The sclera, the white part of the eye, sometimes acquires a yellow hue. "It can indicate an accumulation of bilirubin that usually occurs in diseases of the liver (hepatitis, gallstones ...). But it can also be due, simply, to ingest many carotenes (carrots), "says the ophthalmologist.
How to act: go to consultation, "to have a blood test to indicate the diagnosis". And, obviously, if it is an excess of carotenes, reduce the intake of these.


Although you see these spider-shaped capillaries in the sclera, they actually occur in the conjunctiva (a thin membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid and the white part of the eyeball). Dr. Saiz points out: "The subconjunctival hemorrhage or spill does not generally have any transcendence and occurs spontaneously."
How to act:"It is convenient, however, to measure blood pressure in case hypertension is capable of breaking a conjunctival vessel," says Dr. Saiz. For that, talk to your doctor or nurse, because it is not enough to register it during a single day: you have to have an evolution of it (you can also do it in your pharmacy). On the other hand, "people who are taking anticoagulants must have an anticoagulation control to verify any type of anomaly or readjust their treatment", adds the expert.


"The inner part of the eyelid usually has a pink color. The pallor of this area may indicate the presence of anemia, "says Dr. Saiz.
How to act: an unbalanced diet and poor iron and abundant rules are the most common causes of anemia in women. Talk to your doctor to do an analysis and eat foods rich in iron and vitamin C (needed to absorb it). Take meat, eggs, lentils, spinach, citrus ...


"It is called myokymia. It does not usually have transcendence and gives in on its own, "says the expert. It can affect any person and in any circumstance. What can it reveal? "Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol or some medications, also anxiety, lack of sleep or staying too long in front of the computer or television. The problem is that these are already part of the lifestyle of most people today. "
How to act:"Avoid coffee, alcohol (all exciting) and stress shortens its demise. It is necessary to consult with the doctor if it lasts more than a week or is associated with an oscillating vision, since this type of myokymia affects the ability to see, "says the doctor.


"In addition to environmental causes or computer abuse, dryness is a symptom of hormonal changes, especially around menopause, and can also indicate autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or lupus. On the other hand, some medications for blood pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants and sleeping pills can both cause it and aggravate it. "
How to act: "You should use artificial tears and assess the use of a humidifier at home," says the expert.


They appear spontaneously or "associated with chronic inflammations of the eyelid margin ", and accompanied by tearing and redness of the eye or eyelid. They do not usually matter.
How to act: "A good cleaning of the eyelids prevents them (wash them with clean water, without soap, eliminating any type of rest). But, when they do appear, it's important to apply moderate heat for 5 minutes three times a day to help their resolution. “To do this, use compresses heated with hot water and let them act for a while.


It is one of the most common eye problems. "And they can be of many types: allergic (carpets, grass, dust mites, contact lenses, cosmetics ...), bacterial, viral (they can be associated with infections of the upper respiratory tract, colds or sore throat)".
How to act: maintain good hygiene (clean the eyes with water or saline); If the secretion is abundant, you must go to the doctor to apply the corresponding treatment. "The presence of a small lump (ganglion) in front of the ear indicates a very contagious process, conjunctivitis due to adenovirus, which requires sick leave and consultation with a specialist," says Dr. Saiz.


According to Dr. Ángel Saiz: "Sight is the most important sense we have and current habits make us use our eyes as we have never done before. In consultation we find it impossible to ask our patients not to abuse computers, tablets, television, but to recommend that, from time to time, look away without focusing on anything to relax the accommodation and often use tears artificial to counteract the environmental dryness and produced by the decrease in flicker that involves spending a lot of time in front of the screens. On the other hand, an annual visit to the ophthalmologist to control intraocular pressure and the fundus is important, especially after 40 years. In this way, we contribute to the health of our eyes. "


-Calcium:  strengthens the sclera. Take yogurt, cheese, kefir, canned sardines...
-Chrome:   improves the functioning of the ciliary muscle (focuses and centers the vision of the eye). Whole
grains, nuts, turkey ... -Vitamins B2, B12 and folic acid: protect the conjunctiva. Seafood, mussels, blue fish, egg ... Spinach, Swiss chard, etc.
-Vitamins C, E and B2: are beneficial for the lens (kiwi, orange, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc.).

The Best Vitamins for the Eyes

What Vitamins are Good for Eyes Health

How many times have you heard the expression "eat by the eyes" when you let yourself be carried by the sight when ordering or tasting a meal? Well, we propose you to apply this saying in a more literal way, suggesting you eat the foods that have the best vitamins and nutrients for your eyes.
Eye health vitamins
Eye health vitamins
And, although there is much and varied literature on the subject, there is also quite generalized consensus among specialists around certain components of the menu that have amply demonstrated their contribution to the care of our vision.

What are the best vitamins for the eyes?

Thus, the main nutrients that help us in this goal are vitamins A, B, C and E, minerals such as selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium or copper, pigments such as lutein and zeaxanthin, and fatty acids such as omega3, olive oil and folic acid. Incorporated into our diet, they protect us from the UV rays of the sun, take care of the cornea, nourish the nerve and optic muscles, prevent premature aging of the cells of the retina and prevent degenerative and chronic diseases, among other benefits.
In particular, the prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) , cataractsand retinal damage, protection of the eyes by their antioxidant action or the reduction of triglycerides and their consequent improvement in high blood pressure are important contributions of These vitamins, minerals and pigments.
In the same way, looking for them in the food you eat will have first-hand allies for the prevention of night blindness and dry eye syndrome , as well as to obtain an increase in visual ability and an improvement in vision.

Eye health vitamins
Eye health vitamins
In Christian, and translated into our shopping cart, when thinking about the menu of each day, we recommend that you include in it the following vegetables: z anahoria, zucchini, cabbage, escarole, celery, parsley, chard, spinach , artichoke, lettuce, peas, leek, green bean, beetroot, tomato, endive and watercress. Add also garlic, onion to complete this section.
Regarding fruits, do not forget orange, kiwi, lemon, strawberries, grapefruit, banana, blackberries, cherries, raspberries and blueberries ; And add them to nuts, especially nuts, almonds and peanuts !

Also point to your shopping list cereals such as corn and sunflower or pumpkin seeds , as well as lentils and fatty fish, with salmon, sardines, tuna and trout as good examples of them. And now, add a good icing, and in passing, a whim: oysters and, in general, seafood, always in moderation.
Eye health vitamins
Eye health vitamins
All in all, a balanced and varied diet is very beneficial, not only for your eyes, but for your overall health. Of course, if we add to the equation healthy lifestyle habits such as practicing sports and performing visual therapy exercises, protecting yourself from the sun and avoiding tobacco, the result for our eye health will improve exponentially.
Eating is a pleasure, and if in addition, we take care of our eyes at the table ... what more can you ask for?

10 Essential Tips to Take Care of Your Sight and Eye Health

10 Practical Tips to Take Care of Your Sight

The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body, so they require special care, in order to maintain good visual health

The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body, so they require special care, to maintain good visual health.
Tips to Take Care of Your Sight
Essential Eye Care Tips

Here we give you 10 practical tips to follow:

1.            Consult the ophthalmologist: Many of the problems related to sight and eyes do not present symptoms or other signs that are obvious, so they can go unnoticed. Keep in mind that 50% of cases of vision loss can be prevented with an annual visual recognition.

2.            Protect from ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet radiation is present 365 days, so it is necessary to protect the eyes throughout the year, even on cloudy days. Use glasses with a filter suitable for ultraviolet radiation. Excess sun exposure can damage the retina and accelerate the appearance of certain eye diseases such as cataracts, pterygium, etc.

3.            Eat foods that benefit your eyes: Not only are carrots good for the eyes. The avocado and pepper are ideal to protect the ocular retina. The almonds favor the delay of ocular affections, while the lime protects the lens against the opacity that causes the cataracts. The macadamia nut crust prevents myopia and the egg is a source of vitamin A, rich in lutein and zeanthin, both with properties that are more beneficial to the eye. Source of antioxidants that the body is not capable of generating by itself and needs its external contribution to maintain basic levels.

4.            Reduce stress and eye fatigue: It is inevitable to suffer from eye stress when most of the time we are in front of the computer, television or even reading a book. To avoid it, it is necessary to exercise our eyes. Every 20 minutes remove rest your sight.

5.            Massage the eyes: Relax the muscles of the eyes and stimulate the blood flow with a good massage.

6.            Sleeping well: Excessive work and lack of sleep can increase eye stress. To relieve tired and swollen eyes and increase blood flow it is advisable to use hot or cold masks and eye creams.

7.            Practice sports with the appropriate glasses: The constant change of light is one of the main problems for people who practice outdoor sports.

8.            Educate the most children: Adults are responsible for informing minors about the importance of taking care of their eyes, it is advisable to teach about the anatomy of the eye, the dangers of UV radiation, foods that help improve and maintain healthy our eyes and vision.

9.            Maintain good lighting in your home and office. Lighting is vital to avoid eye stress, so it is recommended to light the rooms 50% below the brightness level of the computer screen, as well as avoid watching the television in the dark and ensure that the light is not reflected in the screen.

10.            Do not use prescription glasses for other people. The use of lenses with little or too much magnification can hurt the eyes. Also, do not use drops or open remedies of more than one month or prescribed for other people.

Some Easy Ways to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

Easy Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

If you are one of those people whose glasses are fogging every time you go swimming in a pool or open water, this article may interest you. How many times have you felt like a Rompetechos when swimming? And all because of the blessed mist that accumulates in the glasses. In the pool, at least the bottom lines serve as orientation, but when you're in open water, things get complicated.
Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles
Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

Today we tell you the some easy ways to avoid fogging your swimming goggles . These are tricks that we have used more than once and we share them with you.


In the top 1 of the tips that we present is the saliva . Method practiced by most swimmers. It's funny about saliva, but it works very well. The fog, which is what fogs the glasses, are microscopic drops of water. The difference in temperature between the lens and the condensed water inside it is the main reason for its appearance.

The only practical protection is to create a very thin film that prevents these droplets of water from "sticking" to the lens of the glasses. The anti-fog glasses work very well, but the protective film that they bring from the factory wears quickly, especially with contact with chlorine or with non-neutral pH soaps. The only way to keep the protective film against fogging is by never wetting the glasses (inside), or only with tap water from time to time to clean the lens, and even then it has a limited duration. If we wet the lens with chlorinated water the film will last a few workouts. The micro scratches that occur when cleaning the lenses with the towel or with your fingers also reduce the effectiveness of the anti-fog protection.
Almost all competition swimmers use their own saliva to create that thin protective film. Simply wet the inside of the lens with your tongue and then rinse a little with water. Better if the glasses before the salting are dry. It is practical because it can be done at any time during training and keep the vision clean at all times.

Anti-fog spays

The anti-fog sprays are useful and generate a film that prevents the appearance of fog. But not all are the same, some for example, those sold for motorcycle helmets, create too dense films, in some stores you can find specifics for swimming goggles. Of course, you have to spray with spray very often and clean the glasses with tap water every day. For about ten euros you can get an anti-fog spray.
Anti-fog spays

The dishwasher

Another trick that some swimmers use is a dishwasher. You put two small drops of the Mistol or Fairy of all the life, the mixtures with a little water, you rub gently the lenses in front and behind with the yolks of the fingers (no nails), you rinse it with cold water and solved. Yes, rinse the glasses very well so you do not get soap in your eyes. I repeat, rinse the glasses very well, or everything will end in tragedy if you leave some remaining detergent in your glasses. In each session, repeat operation.

The potato

potato with goggles
potato with goggles
The method of the potato. It is an old diver trick that also applies to swimming goggles. After rinsing, gently rub a little raw potato through the inner glass and let them dry. Then rinse and go. The effect of the starch lasts 2-3 sessions, something similar to saliva.

The wet wipes

Using wet wipes, which also leave your glasses clean and impeccable. You do not even have to rinse your glasses after cleaning them and they are practically dry and as good as new. You use them just before you get in the water, rubbing inside and outside, and that's it.

How to Improve Eyesight Naturally At Home

Best Natural Remedies to Improve Eyesight

How to improve the view naturally? In this digital world it is a famous question.

Surely you've heard that saying that if you eat a lot of carrots you'll have a better view, but what's true about this?
The lack of vision is usually associated to myopia and hyperopic- reasons such as genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive stress contribute to the development of these conditions.
The most common symptoms behind a lack of vision are in the form of frequent headaches, blurred vision and watery eyes.
Improve Eyesight Naturally

improve the view naturally

The lack of vision as a general rule is usually corrected with prescription glasses, glasses or even surgery, but we are going to tell you some natural remedies that can help you improve your vision.
Here I am going to share some home remedies to improve eyesight

1 Eye exercises

Doing eye exercises daily also helps fight eye fatigue and improves concentration and Vision.
Exercise 1
Take a pencil in your hand and stretch your arm in front of you. Little by little, he moves the pencil closer to your nose without taking your eyes off it. Repeat this exercise about 10 times a day.
Exercise 2
Rotate your eyes in circles, clockwise direction for 10 to 15 times. Then do the same but in the other way.
Repeat the exercise concerning four or five times, closing the eyes between each exercise.
Exercise 3
Center the vision on a distant object for a short while.
For example, observe the horizon for 10 to 15 times in a day.
Improve Eyesight Naturally
Eye Exercise to Improve Vision

2. Do "palming" (cover your eyes with the palms of your both hands)

This practice is beneficial for our eyes, as this helps to reactivate and flex the lenses and ciliary muscles.
The “palming” promotes relaxation and therefore the feeling of well-being.
How to make eye palming?
With closed eyes we will look towards the sun and take a deep breath. We can do this 1-2 times a day.
To do the palming, we will rub both palms of the hands to generate heat, and then we will place the palms over our closed eyes and without exerting pressure.
We should ensure that we've fully covered our eyes with our hands, so that no light enters.
This exercise is done many times daily within the kind of meditation.

3. Almonds

Improve Eyesight Naturally
 Improve Vision with Almonds

The almonds are good to improve vision as a result of they are made in omega-3(fatty acid), vitamin E and antioxidants.
1. They also help to improve memory and concentration.
2. Dip some 5-10 almonds in water overnight.
3. The morning of the next day, peel the skin and grind the almonds
4. Consume this pasta with a glass of warm milk.
5. Do this daily for 1 or 2 months.

4 Fennel

Improve Eyesight Naturally
 Improve Vision with Fennel
The fennel helps to improve eyesight because it contains nutrients and antioxidants that promote good eye health, in addition to brake or slow down the progression of possible falls.
It is called fennel “the herb of vision ".
1. Add a glass of almonds, one of fennel and one of sugar in a blender.
2. Grind the ingredients until a kind of powder mixture is obtained.
3. Before going to sleep, take a spoonful of this mixture, followed by a glass of warm milk.
4. Do this daily for at least 1 or 2 months.

5. Indian gooseberries or Amla

Improve Eyesight Naturally
 Improve Vision with Amla
The gooseberries Indian is another wonderful remedy to boost seeing .
They are packed with numerous nutrients, especially vitamin C and other antioxidants .
Vitamin C promotes the health of the capillaries and helps maintain the proper functioning of the retina cells.
Mix 2-4 small spoons of gooseberry juice in half a glass of water. Drink the mecla twice a day (in the morning and in the afternoon). We can also take the mixture with honey.
Another option is to take the currants in a typical Indian dish called amla murabba.

6 Healthy diet

Eating a diet rich in v itamins A, group B, C, D and E, amino acids, betacarotene, lutein and zeaxanthin .
Improve Eyesight Naturally
 Improve Vision with Healthy Diet
All these compounds promote good eye health .
The chlorophyll found in leafy foods additionally improves vision.
Eat carrots, spinach, corn, beets, sweet potatoes, cranberries, broccoli, kale and other fresh green leafy vegetables.
It is additionally terribly useful to require fatty fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.