
Benefits of sleeping with eye mask

Benefits of sleeping with an eye mask you did not know.

Benefits of sleeping eye mask,  sleeping eye mask
Benefits of sleeping with eye mask 

Do you know the benefits of sleeping with an eye mask? Do you need to increase the quality of sleep? Sleeping with an eye mask brings great health benefits such as preventing insomnia and reducing inflammation of the eyes.

Do you wear a sleeping mask?

More and more people join this practice, due to the amount of benefits it brings. There are many types of masks depending on the use you want to give, and the place where you will need it.
sleeping eye mask benefits
sleeping eye mask benefits


There are different types of masks on the market that are adapted to the needs of the consumer.

1.- FORM

You can choose between a contoured mask, that is to say with an interior cavity where the eyes rest and do not touch the eyelashes.
O masks without contouring, where the eyes and eyelashes rub directly with the mask, so the material is usually soft like cotton.


If you sleep on your back, make sure that the closure is on one side; if on the other hand you sleep on your side, the closure should be behind your head, so that it does not become annoying when you lean on the pillow.


Always choose masks made with soft and breathable materials that protect your eyes like cotton or silk.


If you suffer from migraines, or you get up with swollen eyes, the gel masks as well as removing the light, reduce the dark circles to wake up with a relaxed face.


sleeping with an eye mask and its benefits

sleeping with an eye mask 

Sleeping in the dark is necessary for the hormone called "melatonin" to be released and begin a process of restoring the cells and cleansing toxins.
Habituarnos to sleep with natural or artificial light , leads to health problems in the medium and long term such as insomnia, stress or anxiety .
Therefore, the use of the sleep mask can solve these problems, and provide the following benefits:


If your eyes are tired and swollen due to work, the mask will help you rest and relax your eyesight.


When the eyes remain closed and in absolute darkness, the dream is deeper so that cell repair is optimal.


If you have a shift job and it's hard for you to sleep during the day, try to leave your room free of noise and put on a mask to simulate nighttime darkness.


Gel-filled eye masks reduce eye inflammation during sleep hours, attenuating dark circles.


Get sleep between 7/8 hours a day for our body is restored, it is essential to be energetic and not suffer from insomnia.
If the light prevents you from sleeping the recommended daily hours, you can suffer episodes of depression or anxiety that seriously affect your life.

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  1. very well said thank You for sharing such a nice article here I want to add a little is that Age brings all sorts of challenges, vision problems, and blindness among the most common That’s why aging adults report vision problems more than anyone else, not only in the US, but around the world.
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