
Tips for children's glasses

Important Seven tips for choosing children's glasses

Tips for children's glasses
Tips for children's glasses 

The choice of glasses in the child, due to their young age and facial characteristics, is not an easy task and generates doubts to many parents. It is important to take into account a series of recommendations when choosing the most appropriate model and thus guarantee its correct functionality and therefore the ocular health of the smallest of the house.

  1. We must choose a frame that adapts to the anatomy of the child's face. The bridge should be direct (without platelets), low or even inverted in the case of babies. Children do not have a nasal septum, so if the bridge is at the top the spectacle will "slide" causing the child to look over them.
  2. The rods must be flexible, adjustable and of adequate length to avoid friction behind the ear. In addition, it is advisable to use "stoppers" on the sideburns or an elastic band behind the head to prevent the glasses from moving.
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  3. In general, pasta mount is recommended, as the material is light and resistant. In babies, we prefer the use of silicone frames, since it holds torsions and adjusts to the features of the smallest. It is preferable to avoid metal frames, as they are more unstable. If there is allergy to nickel, you can opt for titanium, resistant and hypoallergenic.
  4. The glasses have to be oval or round, because if they are rectangular, the child will look over them and they will not fulfill their function. It is a mistake to think that you have to buy large glasses for when the child grows up. The eye must be centered with respect to the lens; otherwise the mount will bother you.
    tips for choosing glasses,Tips for children's glasses
    Tips for choosing glasses
  5. Always choose organic lenses, they are more resistant to breakage and therefore safer.
  6. Many times the child sees the glasses as his enemy and refuses to use them. Therefore, it is of great importance to motivate him to use them by implicating him in the choice of model and color. The success of having them, will largely be that you are comfortable and feel good with them.
  7. It is essential to have spare glasses, as it is common that the child breaks or deteriorates frequently. We must remember that the development of vision begins at birth and ends at 8-9 years, so if the child needs glasses and does not wear them, it can condition them for the rest of their lives.

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