
Some Easy Ways to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

Easy Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

If you are one of those people whose glasses are fogging every time you go swimming in a pool or open water, this article may interest you. How many times have you felt like a Rompetechos when swimming? And all because of the blessed mist that accumulates in the glasses. In the pool, at least the bottom lines serve as orientation, but when you're in open water, things get complicated.
Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles
Tricks to Avoid Fogging Your Swimming goggles

Today we tell you the some easy ways to avoid fogging your swimming goggles . These are tricks that we have used more than once and we share them with you.


In the top 1 of the tips that we present is the saliva . Method practiced by most swimmers. It's funny about saliva, but it works very well. The fog, which is what fogs the glasses, are microscopic drops of water. The difference in temperature between the lens and the condensed water inside it is the main reason for its appearance.

The only practical protection is to create a very thin film that prevents these droplets of water from "sticking" to the lens of the glasses. The anti-fog glasses work very well, but the protective film that they bring from the factory wears quickly, especially with contact with chlorine or with non-neutral pH soaps. The only way to keep the protective film against fogging is by never wetting the glasses (inside), or only with tap water from time to time to clean the lens, and even then it has a limited duration. If we wet the lens with chlorinated water the film will last a few workouts. The micro scratches that occur when cleaning the lenses with the towel or with your fingers also reduce the effectiveness of the anti-fog protection.
Almost all competition swimmers use their own saliva to create that thin protective film. Simply wet the inside of the lens with your tongue and then rinse a little with water. Better if the glasses before the salting are dry. It is practical because it can be done at any time during training and keep the vision clean at all times.

Anti-fog spays

The anti-fog sprays are useful and generate a film that prevents the appearance of fog. But not all are the same, some for example, those sold for motorcycle helmets, create too dense films, in some stores you can find specifics for swimming goggles. Of course, you have to spray with spray very often and clean the glasses with tap water every day. For about ten euros you can get an anti-fog spray.
Anti-fog spays

The dishwasher

Another trick that some swimmers use is a dishwasher. You put two small drops of the Mistol or Fairy of all the life, the mixtures with a little water, you rub gently the lenses in front and behind with the yolks of the fingers (no nails), you rinse it with cold water and solved. Yes, rinse the glasses very well so you do not get soap in your eyes. I repeat, rinse the glasses very well, or everything will end in tragedy if you leave some remaining detergent in your glasses. In each session, repeat operation.

The potato

potato with goggles
potato with goggles
The method of the potato. It is an old diver trick that also applies to swimming goggles. After rinsing, gently rub a little raw potato through the inner glass and let them dry. Then rinse and go. The effect of the starch lasts 2-3 sessions, something similar to saliva.

The wet wipes

Using wet wipes, which also leave your glasses clean and impeccable. You do not even have to rinse your glasses after cleaning them and they are practically dry and as good as new. You use them just before you get in the water, rubbing inside and outside, and that's it.


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