
What do your eyes say about your health?

What do your eyes tell you about your health?

What do your eyes say about your health
Eyes Reflection About Health

Health can be reflected in the eyes. Because sometimes the eye problems are symptoms of others in our body or they indicate bad habits that must be corrected. Do you know what manifestations in our eyes warn us that we have to review something in our body or lifestyle? What signals do you have to take into account and how to act in each case?


"The most frequent causes of this problem are the obstruction of the lacrimal ways in any part of its route or a dry eye syndrome that triggers a tearing reflex," explains Dr. Ángel Saiz, ophthalmologist and member of TopDoctors.es. In the first case, it reveals eye problems, but the dry eye can indicate hormonal alterations, such as a drop in estrogen (menopause), a side effect of some drugs such as antihistamines, the excessive use of contact lenses, the influence of environmental factors ( pollution, heating, air conditioning ...) or even diseases such as diabetes mellitus or Parkinson's.
How to act: "Using artificial tears many times alleviates the problem of dry eye," says the expert. Even so, check with your doctor to rule out pathologies. Regarding the obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, a new drainage route is usually created, either by surgery or by diode laser (the intervention is then performed on an outpatient basis).


"It's almost always indicative of an allergic condition," says Dr. Saiz. But it can also indicate an overexertion (a long exposure to the computer screen during the workday) or, for example, a direct contact with harmful agents such as pool chlorine.
How to act: "Above all, do not rub your eyes. If we are allergic, avoid dust, change clothes and shower when you get home to eliminate the rest of pollen helps. An ophthalmologist is the one who should prescribe the appropriate treatment, but artificial tears and cold compresses relieve. "


The sclera, the white part of the eye, sometimes acquires a yellow hue. "It can indicate an accumulation of bilirubin that usually occurs in diseases of the liver (hepatitis, gallstones ...). But it can also be due, simply, to ingest many carotenes (carrots), "says the ophthalmologist.
How to act: go to consultation, "to have a blood test to indicate the diagnosis". And, obviously, if it is an excess of carotenes, reduce the intake of these.


Although you see these spider-shaped capillaries in the sclera, they actually occur in the conjunctiva (a thin membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid and the white part of the eyeball). Dr. Saiz points out: "The subconjunctival hemorrhage or spill does not generally have any transcendence and occurs spontaneously."
How to act:"It is convenient, however, to measure blood pressure in case hypertension is capable of breaking a conjunctival vessel," says Dr. Saiz. For that, talk to your doctor or nurse, because it is not enough to register it during a single day: you have to have an evolution of it (you can also do it in your pharmacy). On the other hand, "people who are taking anticoagulants must have an anticoagulation control to verify any type of anomaly or readjust their treatment", adds the expert.


"The inner part of the eyelid usually has a pink color. The pallor of this area may indicate the presence of anemia, "says Dr. Saiz.
How to act: an unbalanced diet and poor iron and abundant rules are the most common causes of anemia in women. Talk to your doctor to do an analysis and eat foods rich in iron and vitamin C (needed to absorb it). Take meat, eggs, lentils, spinach, citrus ...


"It is called myokymia. It does not usually have transcendence and gives in on its own, "says the expert. It can affect any person and in any circumstance. What can it reveal? "Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol or some medications, also anxiety, lack of sleep or staying too long in front of the computer or television. The problem is that these are already part of the lifestyle of most people today. "
How to act:"Avoid coffee, alcohol (all exciting) and stress shortens its demise. It is necessary to consult with the doctor if it lasts more than a week or is associated with an oscillating vision, since this type of myokymia affects the ability to see, "says the doctor.


"In addition to environmental causes or computer abuse, dryness is a symptom of hormonal changes, especially around menopause, and can also indicate autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or lupus. On the other hand, some medications for blood pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants and sleeping pills can both cause it and aggravate it. "
How to act: "You should use artificial tears and assess the use of a humidifier at home," says the expert.


They appear spontaneously or "associated with chronic inflammations of the eyelid margin ", and accompanied by tearing and redness of the eye or eyelid. They do not usually matter.
How to act: "A good cleaning of the eyelids prevents them (wash them with clean water, without soap, eliminating any type of rest). But, when they do appear, it's important to apply moderate heat for 5 minutes three times a day to help their resolution. “To do this, use compresses heated with hot water and let them act for a while.


It is one of the most common eye problems. "And they can be of many types: allergic (carpets, grass, dust mites, contact lenses, cosmetics ...), bacterial, viral (they can be associated with infections of the upper respiratory tract, colds or sore throat)".
How to act: maintain good hygiene (clean the eyes with water or saline); If the secretion is abundant, you must go to the doctor to apply the corresponding treatment. "The presence of a small lump (ganglion) in front of the ear indicates a very contagious process, conjunctivitis due to adenovirus, which requires sick leave and consultation with a specialist," says Dr. Saiz.


According to Dr. Ángel Saiz: "Sight is the most important sense we have and current habits make us use our eyes as we have never done before. In consultation we find it impossible to ask our patients not to abuse computers, tablets, television, but to recommend that, from time to time, look away without focusing on anything to relax the accommodation and often use tears artificial to counteract the environmental dryness and produced by the decrease in flicker that involves spending a lot of time in front of the screens. On the other hand, an annual visit to the ophthalmologist to control intraocular pressure and the fundus is important, especially after 40 years. In this way, we contribute to the health of our eyes. "


-Calcium:  strengthens the sclera. Take yogurt, cheese, kefir, canned sardines...
-Chrome:   improves the functioning of the ciliary muscle (focuses and centers the vision of the eye). Whole
grains, nuts, turkey ... -Vitamins B2, B12 and folic acid: protect the conjunctiva. Seafood, mussels, blue fish, egg ... Spinach, Swiss chard, etc.
-Vitamins C, E and B2: are beneficial for the lens (kiwi, orange, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc.).


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