
The alarming dangers of the use of false eyelashes

Some Important Point About the Use of False Eyelashes 

Great concern has been generated by the increase in infections caused by the use of false eyelashes. As stated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the damage is associated with unregulated treatments, which cause inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and even damage to the cornea.
use of false eyelashes
use of false eyelashes

It is estimated that, worldwide, 1 of 4 women experiences some type of irritation due to the frequent use of false eyelashes. Generally, the pictures presented are conjunctivitis, red eyes and eye irritation in general. Other more complex cases include scratches or holes in the cornea resulting from the tips of the false eyelashes.

Eye with blepharitis

One of the most alarming elements is the glue used to place the eyelashes, which may contain formaldehyde, a chemical known to cause severe allergic reactions, blepharitis and corneal damage. To the effect of this compound, the dirt and bacteria accumulated by the eyelashes with the passage of time are added.

The vicious circle of false eyelashes

The biggest danger, according to experts, is the constant use of false eyelashes. The weight of this beauty accessory causes a weakening of the hair follicles causing it to fall and not grow back. In this way, the use of false eyelashes is increased to compensate for the lack of natural eyelashes, increasing the risk of infections and damage to the cornea, which can lead to loss of vision.

Also, it should be considered that in addition to the use of false eyelashes there are risks associated with the use of excessive makeup in the eye area. The misuse of makeup can produce a series of harmful effects, such as damage to the cornea of the eyeball with the tip of the pencil eyeliner or mask applicator, allergic reactions to some components present in the products, or infections caused by the use of expired makeup.

 Eye with makeup residue

It is essential that any inflammation, redness or discomfort in the area of the eyes, immediately go to your ophthalmologist Eye Clinic . Mishandling infections resulting from the use of false eyelashes can result in permanent damage to the vision.


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