
how to protect your eyes from the sun and prevent problems.

What Problems Can the Summer Sun Cause in the Eyes? 

Summer Sun Effect on Eyes
Summer Sun Effect on Eyes
Many are the cares that specialists recommend having during the summer. We tell you what problems can the summer sun cause in the eyes?
Summer is the time of the year we most enjoy, but also when we have to take care of ourselves, especially the sun and not just our skin. We must pay special attention to the care of our eyes and take precautions to protect them.

The solar radiation is higher in summer and this means that ultraviolet (UV) have a particularly high rate, which means a greater capacity to produce lesions in sensitive body areas 
Ultraviolet Rays Effect on Eyes 
Main problems that can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet UV rays in the eyes:

  • Actinic keratitis. It appears after prolonged exposure of the eyes to the sun without adequate protection. Its symptoms are: pain, photophobia (abnormal intolerance to light), tearing and red eye. They usually last for a day or two and disappear without sequelae.
  • Conjunctival degenerations. The most widespread is pterygium, an abnormal growth of the conjunctiva on the cornea that is caused by sun exposure and dryness. It appears as an elevated whitish area on the inner and / or outer edge of the cornea.
  • Periocular skin lesions. The eyelids are a zone of very sensitive skin and especially vulnerable to UV rays that can degenerate into tumor lesions in predisposed people.
  • UV rays can also produce diseases of the retina (maculopathy) or even accelerate the cataract process.

Save Your Eyes
Summer Sun Effect on Eyes

How to prevent eye conditions (Problems) in summer?

The preventive measure of these conditions caused or aggravated by the action of solar radiation is the use of sun glasses approved with the corresponding filters. Therefore, when buying your glasses, try to have the UVA and UVB 400 filters, which is the highest protection against ultraviolet rays.
Summer Sun Effect on Eyes
How to Prevent Eyes in Summer
The risk of suffering the damage caused by the sun is cumulative, so we are going on exposing our eyes over the years. Therefore, specialists recommend taking care of them from childhood. It is very important to generate in children the habit of wearing hats, visors and even sunglasses


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